Adam Leitman Bailey’s Blog
Adam Leitman Bailey’s Blog
Whether Co-op Boards Can Reject a Sale Because the Purchase Price Is ‘Too Low’
“Courts have mostly rejected anti-free market tactics of the board of directors but other cases have given boards discretion to allow such rejections.” Adam Leitman Bailey and John Desiderio discuss [...]
Precautions to Take for New Development and Sponsor Deals
New York City arguably has the most complex residential real estate transactions compared to other cities in the United States. Starting with numerous types of property available and its unique [...]
What is a PUD?
What is a Planned Unit Development (“PUD”)? This question has been coming up lately in the banking department at Adam Leitman Bailey, PC. It is important to understand what a [...]
National Edition: Title Insurance: Determining an Insured’s Loss and Calculating the Damages
Even the most prudent lay person or attorney in private practice cannot inspect and discover each and every title defect that might affect the property. In order to protect against [...]
Members of our board and the board itself are being unfairly sued. What do we do?
“Boards and individual board members may get sued—often in the same lawsuit—but it doesn’t mean you are liable for anything or that you have done anything wrong, just because you’ve made [...]
When Is Part Performance ‘Part Performance in Real Estate Cases’?
Adam Leitman Bailey and John Desiderio discuss the issue of “part performance,” the doctrine of which can overcome the Statute of Frauds in circumstances when parties enter into unwritten deals and don’t contemplate [...]